Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dogs in the snow

This blue old office trailer was remodeled into a HUGE dog house. They use the ramp to get in and out and have a big fenced area to let themselves out. Very little work for me now it's great! Inside they have recliners, carpet area, a couple beds on the floor and a heater. This is for 4 dogs. Sometimes all 5 of my dogs. It's good they get along. I'll put a couple inside pics on blogger sometime soon.

Garage going up.

Garage pieces getting put together. It's freezing temperatures outside. But we all want this project Done.

Baby J

Picture taken about a month ago. He's such a Happy Baby. This is Beckys son.

pups all in a line

9 puppies, it was so cute for all of them to be looking over the board. 2 different dads to these pups, what a DNA mess!

Gary & Hefina

Gary and Hefs first daughter. Awe.. how cute!

Hef Hefina & Hefina II


Hef Hefina & Hefina II

Hefs girls that look just like him. Hefina the bigger pup just got a home. 8 weeks old. One picture shows tape on her ears, that's to hold them up when the ears won't stay up on their own just yet.

House Dec18,2009

Basement cealing going up ! Kitchen finishing touches. Trim is up by the cealing everywhere upstairs. Outlet covers are all on. Heat registers and doors have been spray painted. One picture shows the nice tile bathroom downstairs. I'll get more pictures when everything is clean and ready. As soon as this house is done we're headed south, as you can see we're getting close =)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

House Nov.26th. Thanksgiving

House Nov.26th. Thanksgiving

Upstairs tile being done. Cabinets and countertop have been installed. Cabinets were stained twice. Almost all rooms

House Nov.26th. Thanksgiving

Alot has been done the past month. Looks like it's finally coming together. =)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

House beginning of November 2009

The dirt was put back into place for a second time. There is a drain tube that runs along the outside of the basement wall and runs out to the edge of the driveway. Painting is almost the last thing to do so I'm excited about it almost being ready for primer & paint. =)

Beginning of November House

Drywall going up everywhere. Green drywall is mildew resistant so that's in the basement. A couple rooms upstairs are almost completely ready to painted. Probably tomorrow.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We have a MOAT & bridge ! House 10-31-09

We had to re-dig out 3 sides of the house. It was leaking bad in two areas. We are putting a drain tube and alot more gravel rocks on the sides of the house so it drains alot better. Missouri has SO much water it was hard to make this basement waterproof.