Sunday, May 16, 2010

New cabinets

Nice big kitchen. 4'x8' island is great ! Gary put latches on all the doors today so now dogs can't get into the cabinets. They liked going in there for a nap. We're going to sand and stain & seal all the wood, and I'll have a waterproof table cloth on everything so it's easy clean up. Good for when it rains which will be within a month I think. Getting all organized and cleaned up ... Feels great ! =)

Gary wood working ..

Some upgrades to our place that Gary did. Pool enclosed so dogs don't go in there. Buidling cabinets.....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Casa Nada ... Our property May 2010

Casa Nada .. No House.
Vines are growing everywhere =) Mangos hanging from our tree.

Friends in Mexico / Gary going Mango Crazy


Alfie pup 4 mo. & Super G