Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back in Mexico... super Tia Terria

Update. things are going good here. I'm kinda lazy lately. Exausted from my canada trip. I've had time to read and start a big puzzle. hanging photos. cleaning, organizing. I had a couple surf lessons. 3rd lesson will be soon. We're getting ready for the rain, that changes everything.
Bandita should have pups any day now.
Love you all.
xoxo Super Tia Terria

AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE ...Kamaya swinging Sedona..

Back in Edmonton

Cuz/sis : Jaleen, Shantel & I.
Kamaya, Jaleen, Shantel, Mom, Auntie Bev, Elissa at a restaurant waiting for a table.
Tio Ron, Me and Grandma Joy.
SISTERS Elissa, Terria, Jaleen.
Kamaya and Jaden on his motorcycle. Just getting it out & ready to ride.

Butchard Gardens

I like this picture of Dad & Kamaya.
When I thought of Victoria B.C. I always pictured Hanging baskets. So i got a picture of me standing under one. =)

Butchard Gardens .. more FLOWERS !!!

Kamaya why are your knees so dirty? Oh you know... the flowers.

Butchard Gardens .. more FLOWERS !!!

Beautiful weepy tree, I love that photo.
How many scarves is Mom wearing? =)

B.C. back at butchard gardens

Mom and Sis in the street infront of Rogers Chocolates.
Back at Butchards. the purple trees look fake.
The Merry Go Round goes FAST!
Scene of the crime.... Little innocent looking Sedona threw Kamayas camera down the hill,under that railing. about 20' down. oops. Did I mention Auntie Terria was supervising the kids. =)
We had an employee help us get it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Beacon Park ... windy

TerriaKamayaJaleen squish for a photo. Mom & Dad standing by ocean at Beacon Park.
Our room is trashed, nerts card game in background. Sisters ready for the hot tub. =)

trash can , Beacon park

Even the trash cans in Butchard gardens are pretty.
Beacon park was right by the ocean. Very Windy.

Sedona & Grandpa , horse

Butchard Gardens FLOWERS !!!

Parrot Tulip. The beginning of the garden. Jaleen by the cool fish fountain. FLOWERS ! I love this purple tree. I was coloring yesterday and I made the trees PURPLE. =)

Harbor Day - The Empress Hotel

See Kamaya in the background?..