Friday, February 17, 2012

5 Minute Chocolate Mud Cake ... Make in The MICROWAVE

5 Minute Chocolate Mud Cake

4 Tablespoons flour

4 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

1 egg

3 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons oil

3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)

a small splash vanilla

1 Large coffee mug (microwave safe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, mix well

Add the egg and mix again

Pour in the milk and oil and mix again

Add the chocolate chips (if using) & vanilla and mix again

Microwave 3 minutes (1000 watts)

The cake will rise over the top of the mug.

Allow to cool and tip out onto plate.

Serves 2 people.

*note* chocolate chips sink to the bottom and turn into goooey chocolate. yum!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pups on me. Look at all the little tails wagging.  A couple puppies were bitting eachother so I held their mouth closed and pushed them off me.

Terria's everyday hat. The straw hat from the local market, flower clip from sister in law Teresa & feathers I found.

Dehydrated Bananas, Banana Bread, 2 different kinds of Pierogies.

Terrias busy kitchen...Thanks for all the help Katie & neighbors Dave & Allie.

Another pretty sunset.

Jan,8 2012

Mud Girls ! Tell me I'm beautiful. =) Mud from the hotsprings.

Katie, Terria, Darlene (Karas mom) Morgan.

 We used a paintbrush to apply it.

Lets go rinse off in the ocean. I had fun. =)

Boat trip

Mike Lainie, Wyatt. Erik, Katie, Boys. Josh, Morgan & dog Canello. Terria.

 Lainie & Morgan.

Kara & Terria 1/8/12

Kara (neighbor) & her mom Darlene 1 8 2012