Friday, November 23, 2012

Sea Life Park.. in Hawaii.

Hawaii family vacation 2012

Everyone.. =)

Dad, Mom, Terria

Surfing a dolphin


Devyn,Jaden,Tayze cheering secion

Kamaya touching a starfish.


Me... Sea Life Park is right by the water. Beautiful Hawaii !

Don't worry, Sedona can catch Tayze.

Wahine ... Womans bathroom sign

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gary Bee Sting 11-20-12

Yesterday, 11-20-12 Gary got stung by a bee in the eye lid. He thinks it might be an African killer bee. His lips were going numb and he was turning red, it started swelling immediately he was getting scared and that made me scared so we went to the new La Union hospital 10 minutes away. normally it's 15+ minutes but I was driving faster than normal. They took him in right away and i waited for a couple hours. i'm glad i had my new ipod. Thanks again Devyn =)
He came out and looked normal except eye swollen shut. They had him on a bed and gave him an I.V just to calm everything down. They told him if you see another bee Run away, you are alergic. They gave him pills to sleep. He feels fine today. swelling has gone down some. We didn't have to pay anything for medical care. Hospital was Free, clean and people very friendly. !

Update: 48 hrs later, still swollen but a lot better.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Jaden,Elissa,Tayze Hawaii 2012 matching outfits

 In our condo. My little brother & his family.
Their matching outfit they got at the flea market in Honolulu,Hawaii

Leaving to Hawaii !!! Excited to see all my family !

 The flower on my suitcase is something I cross-stitched. Only took me about a Month.

Traveling South Oct.2012

Many many miles... Feet up on dash.

This corn on a stick was SO delicious.. mayo,chilli, cheese.

Interesting city name in Mexico. How do you pronounce that?


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cute photos of 2 week old "O" pups Orion,Olivia,Oreo.

Cabbage Peanut Salad Recipe

Cabbage Peanut Salad

Peanut Sauce Dressing

3 T Peanut Butter   

5 T oil     

1/4 Cup Soy Sauce

1/2 tsp Cayenne    

1/4 Cup Sugar    

Blend well in blender

Salad: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers

Crunchy Topping

Saute 2-4 pkgs Top Ramen Noodle in 4 TBS butter until golden - cool. break up well.

Roast 1 cup almonds or more - cool - chop

Mix salad, add dressing & crunchy topping right before you serve - It does not keep well with topping and dressing mixed.

Optional: add chicken or tofu .. on the side

Purple flowering plant growing so much it's going up and over wall.

Property Nov 2nd, 2012

Upstairs, complete with funcioning bathroom.

outside shower

I use internet from this chair. Hef is keeping it warm for me.