Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dirty face Gary

 Planting trees in 45mph winds we got a little dirty.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Terria & Dad. met up in Bismark, ND Sat 5/11/13

Hour and a half from where we're working on the ranch in N.Dakota. We had a good visit. Gary,Terria,Brian. Lunch at the truck stop, shopping at walmart, burger at Mcdonalds.
Oh.. that's our little car. you can see how tiny it is compared to dads truck.

Terria / Gary equipment we're using May 2013 N.Dakota Tail Feathers Ranch

 Terria infront of the scooper!

I put the scoops into the semi truck with Side Dump trailer. p.s. that's our little new car infront of the semi. Haundai.

Gary uses the bobcat and skid loader with spike roller to smoothen out the dirt.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tail Feathers Ranch in North Dakota... Look where we are.

 Really nice kitchen living quarters for us. All brand new !!

1st day. Gary making shelves

Missouri with family working on house

 paint/sponge teqnique for new counters Gary & niece Jenny.

Ayda Jennys daughter helping me paint / draw on the wall.