Monday, November 15, 2010

Dinger playing with Rocks & Surfing

Sonny Sancho, Sunset, Terria after sunset walk..

Sonny Sancho in the pool, Sonny Peeking under door playing with my hand.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Flowers, Coconut Wilson

Carved coconut face sitting in the tree. I call him Coconut WILSON !!

Dog Pen -they have a variety of beds, Laundry area -see the dog toys drying ? they look like a toy mobile =)
pool,bbq, red Flowers coming - see the multi-tool I got from you Lulu? I use it all the time =)
Terria's Collection of shells and sea glass, etc from the beach.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Property Pictures Nov 10 2010

Kitchen, screen room with futon, yard.

Property Pictures Nov 10 2010

Sonny Sancho sees horses and decides to chase them off. Looking at property from corner. Almond tree and banana trees and Palm are Super tall!

Property Pictures Nov 10 2010

Walking up to property, Sonny Sancho sees me walking up through corner of fence. Vine and plants growing like crazy. I water usually twice a day.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Terria & WaterMelanie ... my watermellon baby

Gary brought this home and I said it looks like a baby! so I drew a face on it and named her WaterMelanie. I have a baby outfit on WaterMelanie in one picture but with no arms or legs she looks kinda wierd. With the curly vine ontop it looks like a hair.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Vacation from my Vacation

The guy who has the beach house we watch is coming home on Tuesday so we've been busy cleaning and making everything ready for his arrival. The guy from Houston that's here visiting leaves on Monday so we're thinking of staying the night in Zihuat Monday night since we have to pick up Rusty on Tuesday. It will be nice to walk arround and shop and eat somewhere new and relax. Very little dog work right now so i'm kinda Free to do this. mini vacation from our the vacation spot we Live at. =)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

We have company & Good news.

The guy we got the puppy from in Houston is Down here right now. Gary picked him and his two sons up from the airport yesterday. We told him we lived at a cool spot for surfing and we stayed in contact via email and he actually CAME. pretty cool. They're staying at the beach. renting our camping equip. Gary is teaching the boys how to surf. and the dad is teaching us alot about dogs. He's done this alot longer than we have. He said he might be able to sell our dogs for us. Just bring them to Houston and HE deals with the customers, like a broker I guess (finding a buyer, getting paid, shipping). that sounds good to me! Having company down here makes me appreciate how nice it is down here. They can only stay for 5 days.

Some more good news.. the house in Missouri. the guy buying it Was going to rent it for a month or so until he could finally have closing but decided not to rent it because we wanted to keep it on the market and find a buyer who would pay more, He didn't want to move in and be able to be kicked out. Anyway he deposited $4,000 into our bank account. He said I expected you to want to negotiate the price. we just TOOK his 89 k offer. we're loosing 10k at that price. I guess he wants to show he's serious, consider it sold. That's great cause I was didn't know how I was going to pay the bills. & We should have closing at the end of this month. Cool hey. Not very many people would Do something like that. =)

better go, lots to do on internet. haven't been on in a while. I checked something on facebook the otherday and Valerie saw me online, we used facebook instant messaging. very cool.

Illianet's Restaurant has Grass !

In the winter there is Dirt everywhere. It's nice to see the restaurant looks so nice and green. This is the restaurant we walk to when we want to go to the beach.

Miss Daisy laying on the water bottles.

She's funny. =)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September pictures Beach, donkeys, cows, chickens, sunset

I guess I love taking pictures of Animals !! All these animals are loose, even the chickens that live next door to the beach house. They wander over here. The pollo vecinos (chicken neighbors) by the flowers I thought was a good picture. See the baby cow looking back at me?. =)

Toby (Garys favorite cousin) wife Jeanie + two boys

Do you remember Toby? He was Garys best man. I took a picture of him and family when we were in Missouri. Pictured: Jeannie, Cody and baby Shelby.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Beach walk at Sunset.. Gary, Dinger, Sancho

The little guy likes all this exercise and freedom. He carries his leash in his mouth. He follows Gary arround like a .... PUPPY !

Sancho Villa joins the pack

We introduced him to the dogs one at a time. Daisy is the only one that's a little rough with him. The others let him do whatever he wants.
See his outfit? The shirt says Surf on it. I have pictures of Hef wearing it when he was a pup.

Sancho Villa