Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I painted my old dingy kitchen sink area with blue oil paint that we had on hand. Gary calls it Smurf blue. I had it all over my hands but we didn't have paint thinner or mineral spirits. Did you know you can take oil paint off your skin with nail polish remover??
The guys are doing construction and I find something to keep me busy as well.
I should take another picture. I have my pans, cups and stuff hanging all over it and plates, bowls, silverware drawers are up on the shelf.  Very cheap & nice upgrade.
We are almost all done with construction. I'll take photos when it's all cleaned up. xoxo

Ranga & Shelly ... Cats in the mango tree

The cats get along with the dogs but it's nice they jump up in the big mango tree.

cement being poured , pic of roof/cover

We got a driveway and sidewalk poured. i'll post pictures when it's cleaned up. we're getting all the gravel replaced with new beach rocks/gravel. This picture shows the roof we put up. Cement poles, attached to C-channel metal, silver tubes and a little bit of wood and then lamina sheets. It's not as loud as I thought it would be when it rains. What's loud is when the cats are running up there. Kitty Thunder.

HOME ! I can't believe we live here !

We were both SO happy to be home. We went to the restaurant that's really close on the beach and got Margaritas and Fish & Shrimp dinners. The beach has changed. A lot of sand is getting washed away and the roots of the palm trees are showing, that can't be good. Beautiful sunset our first night.

On the road. Van loaded photo.

I had to take a picture of what we look like traveling! . We had a carrier on top full of stuff, two bikes hanging of the back, two dogs in a cage behind our seats and a cooler and other stuff shoved in the side door. At the border, They wanted to look inside and we opened the side door, of course stuff falls out, they see the dogs, oh, ok we'll just look in your glove compartment and cup holder. ok, you're fine welcome to Mexico. =)

Missouri Family BBQ/Fireworks/Pinata smashing.

Garys family bbq pictures. This was 2 different days. The first we just made a picknick area in Richard & Earlene's back yard because it's just as pretty as a park. I made a second pinata (cardboard box, painted pictures taped, candy inside.. pretty easy to make it's hanging in the photo).Becky's son Baby Jay who isn't a baby anymore hit it but it took Uncle Gary to bust it down and stab it with a stick to open it.
The other party at Jenny&JimBob's kids, Jan, kids, Teresa & Daryl and some of their friends. The boys LOVED the fireworks and then they busted open the clay pinata. Jude, Jennys oldest son punched the pinata just after it was hung and almost cried! ah, what's that made of? it's Hard! The clown decorated clay pot took quite a few hits with a bat (uncle Gary provided) and candy came raining down. They shared and passed candy a round to the adults. Very nice.

Previa Party?

We went to Omaha, Nebraska because there is a guy there that pretty much COLLECTS these rare previa minivans. He had some parts we needed. FIxed an air conditioner problem. I thought it looked like a Previa Party having 4 in 1 driveway so I took a photo. Ours is the silver one in the back. roof rack, no hub caps. Of course I had to add the cute picture of Gary sitting on the grass while we waited for the van.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Brody (bro-dee) 9mo. male

 BRODY !  I found him online and we bought him near Dallas. I can already tell he's sweet and gentle and loyal. He Hates a leash, but he sticks really close to me so .. so far he's ok just loose.  We already Love him.

SURPRISE ... Lulu grad party

 At Rick and Christy's house. SURPRISE Lulu this party is for you. Sabrina told her there were Special Guests coming (Gary and I).
Lulu, room mate Caroline, Johnny & Sabrina, Rick & Christy & Ryan, Eloy, Valerie & Thomas, Gary & Terria. Great food, wine, big congrats cake, We had a lot of fun. Thanks !

I defrosted the fridge and found a little frog in the ice !

Young surfer

 This kid is our construction guys son. Our neighbor gave him a surfboard. Gary gave him a leash and fins, new surf wax and a surf lesson. He had alot of fun.

There's a kitty on my surfboard !