Saturday, September 24, 2011

Missouri Family BBQ/Fireworks/Pinata smashing.

Garys family bbq pictures. This was 2 different days. The first we just made a picknick area in Richard & Earlene's back yard because it's just as pretty as a park. I made a second pinata (cardboard box, painted pictures taped, candy inside.. pretty easy to make it's hanging in the photo).Becky's son Baby Jay who isn't a baby anymore hit it but it took Uncle Gary to bust it down and stab it with a stick to open it.
The other party at Jenny&JimBob's kids, Jan, kids, Teresa & Daryl and some of their friends. The boys LOVED the fireworks and then they busted open the clay pinata. Jude, Jennys oldest son punched the pinata just after it was hung and almost cried! ah, what's that made of? it's Hard! The clown decorated clay pot took quite a few hits with a bat (uncle Gary provided) and candy came raining down. They shared and passed candy a round to the adults. Very nice.