Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bear Country. Park where you drive around and look at the animals.

See the huge antlers?

His eye has stitches =-(


Bears sleeping.

Walking Right beside the cars !! There was lots of signs, keep windows rolled UP !

Bear looking at the bird.

Bear in the pool

on his back

AH ! walking right by the gate, but Bears were confined because of the electric fence in the cattle guard on the road.


They climbed up his leg easily.

They of course reminded me of puppies. Play, wrestle, and want to play with the human !

Little girls were saying Baby Bears.

Fox curled up sleeping

behind Gary.. Sign says  Bear Country

Buffalo made of scrap metal

Outside GIFT SHOP. I got a thimble ( I needed one), pen, bracelet and Gary got a claw (replica) on a necklace.