Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reptile Gardens.... snakes, alligators,crocodiles,birds, turtles and more.

BIG snake

Maneater.. they found body parts in this croc. EWWW

What a snake bite can look like


Parrots , Orchid flowers all in a room similar to the many Butterfly Pavilions I've been to.  =)

Snake up in a branch. There was an employee under it in case it decided to come down. ha ha

Yellow Python on the employee. Snake show.

Prairie dogs in this area. Kids go under and can put their heads up in this plastic dome. !

I liked this potted plant holder.

Pond by the turtles.

Snake we need to watch out for in Mexico.

Alligator / Crocodile show.. he said this is how you walk your alligator. He later sat on it and held mouth closed. Alligator Wrestler !

They moved fast when he gave them raw chicken.


The pattern on this snake was SO unique.